
Mobility Compass


Transport and Mobility are important issues in your city but is the related information scattered over a dozen of webs?

The Mobility Compass can help you solve this information shortage in a quick and efficient way. Following your requirements, all relevant mobility data of your city will be gathered and uploaded in an internet data bank. In addition, an online map will be available for citizens and coworkers.


Connection to maps

The user is able to see at a glance on a map what information is available. After a click on the places of interest, the user reaches further information and can access external websites.


Information for each target group

The possibility of making the data available for specific target groups is the special characteristic of this portal. For example, after gathering the disable friendly equipment of the respective train stations, it is possible to arrange a public website featuring specific information for this target group. That is, data have to be gathered only once, then centrally saved and finally used for different purposes, without additional costs.

Capacity of expansion

New information and links can be added to the data base at any time and at any quantity. For instance:

  • Monuments, such as museums or memorials
  • In the surroundings from train stations there are hotels and restaurants that can be recommended to passengers
  • Pictures and short videos can be included for relevant or unusual objects and the data bank might be extended with visual information
  • Information on construction sites, building operations and temporary events, such as detours or city festivals, can be added without a problem

"Pothole cadaster" or "Bicycle portal", "Construction sites register" or "Overview of school routes", everything is possible - and affordable.

LanguageMobi-Kompass  Applications 2  


team red Deutschland GmbH
Almstadtstr. 7
10119 Berlin

You can contact us daily
from 9:00 AM to 5:00 PM

by phone:   +49 (0)30 138 986 35
or by email: info(at)team-red.net


Mobility Portal Weilheim (www.weilheim.de) On the right side the interactive map is shown and on the left side the menu.